Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited (MTRCL)
WIL extends from the existing Island Line to the Sai Ying Pun (SYP), Hong Kong University (HKU) and Kennedy Town (KET) stations. A total of fifteen station adit connections have been constructed to allow efficient access; many of the excavations were beneath soft and mixed ground with numerous sensitive overlying Existing Buildings and Structures requiring independent I&M during construction.
I&M for the completed works and Existing Buildings and Structures (EBS) potentially affected by the site activities. The installations ranged from Building and Ground Settlement Markers (BSM and GSM), inclinometers and extensometers and 10 No. standpipe and piezometer installations requiring real time monitoring. The monitoring was concentrated towards the Station construction works, which required Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS) monitoring, extending to 40m depth, and sub-surface cavern excavation with Automatic Deformation Monitoring surveying (ADMS). Factual I&M reports and presentation of data using Lam’s in-house software was prepared for use in Detailed Action Plans prepared by a team of specialist surveyors and consultants led by Lam.